Monday, September 10, 2012

IKEA Is To Sell Cars ... by MoiMoii

MoiMoii has posted a new blog entry to I LIVE TO LAUGH.

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Blog Entry21st Aug 2012 IKEA Is To Sell Cars ... by MoiMoiiAug 21, '12 4:42 PM
by MoiMoii for everyone
Aug 21A
IKEA has announced their intention to sell cars ...
Some of us, me more than most, are going to be in deep trouble
 Just as I figured - battery is not included !!! 
Prev: 21st Aug 2012 Funny Football Remarks

Change Your Underwear Often...............

Jack has posted a new blog entry to I LIVE TO LAUGH.

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Blog EntryChange Your Underwear Often...............Aug 30, '12 7:26 PM
by Jack for everyone
There's an old sea story about a ship's Captain who inspected
His sailors, and afterward told the first mate that his men smelled bad...
The Captain suggested perhaps it would help if the sailors
would change underwear occasionally.
The first mate responded, "Aye, aye sir, I'll see to it immediately!"
The first mate went straight to the sailors berth deck and announced, "The Captain thinks you guys smell bad and wants you to change your underwear."
He continued, "Pittman, you change with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowski, and Brown, you change with

Someone may come along and promise "Change",

but don't count on things smelling any better.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Quiet Time

Quiet Time
Be Still

Thank You for each and every day You have blessed us here on earth.
Thank You for Your tender mercies.
Thank You for giving us friends and family to share these Internet joys with.
I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those I care deeply for who are reading this right now.

Where there is joy, give them continued joy,
Where there is pain, give them your peace and mercy.

Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence.
Where there is need, fulfill their needs.

Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings

In Jesus' name Amen.

Attachment: quiet time.jpg

A Novena for America - Catholic Culture
Among many other prayers for our country during the Presidential campaign, a six-fold novena of rosaries has been organized by Peter Grimberg at 7:00 pm each evening in the chapel at All Saints Church in Manassas, Virginia (my home parish). The novena follows the pattern recommended in a private revelation by Our Lady of Pompeii to Fortuna Agrelli in 1884, which is also associated with the apostolic work of Blessed Bartolo Longo.

The novena will start on September 13th and run through November 5th. It will consist of three rounds of nine rosaries (one five-decade rosary per day) in petition for the conversion of America to a culture of faith and life, followed by three rounds of nine rosaries in thanksgiving. The petition phase runs from September 13th through October 9th; the thanksgiving phase runs from October 10th through November 5th.

All are invited to participate in this 54 Day Rosary Novena, whether they can be physically present at All Saints Church or not.

Did Democrats really boo God? Not quite. It's worse than that. - Catholic Culture
Thousands of bloggers are reporting this morning that delegates at the Democratic convention in Charlotte booed when God was reintroduced into their party’s platform. That’s not entirely accurate. But the true story does not reflect any better on the Democratic Party.

This Breitbart report has the story right, I think. The boos from the floor were aimed at Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was running the convention at the time, and asked for three separate voice votes on the amendment that restored a mention of God. On the 3rd vote, Villaigosa ruled that the “Ayes” had won—by a two-thirds majority.

That ruling from the chair was an obvious abuse of power. It was impossible to say, simply from the volume of voices, whether the “Ayes” outnumbered the “Nays.” To assert that the “Ayes” predominated by a 2-to-1 margin was simply absurd. Quite understandably, many delegates objected to the ruling. So their boos were aimed at Villaraigosa, not at God.

But it’s not quite that simple. This vote didn’t occur in a vacuum. In drafting the original platform, Democratic leaders had removed references to God (and to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel). They didn’t merely forget to mention God; in updating previous party platforms, they made a conscious decision to remove Him. When that decision was brought to the attention of ordinary American voters, outside the orbit of the Democratic Party apparatchiks, it was unpopular. It didn’t play in Peoria. Belatedly, the Democratic leaders realized that they should put God back in the picture. So an amendment to the platform was place on the convention’s agenda.

And here’s where things get interesting: That amendment was controversial! Quite a few delegates opposed the mention of God. Some, no doubt, were primarily concerned about the mention of Jerusalem. Party leaders might have simplified matters by introducing two separate amendments: one to restore a mention of God, the other to name Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. But that tactic would not have suited the purposes of the party strategists. They didn’t want an open debate on God (or on Jersualem) during the convention. They didn’t want to give American voters the opportunity to see just how radical the Democratic party has become. They wanted the amendment approved quickly.

Villaraigosa did his part, pronouncing the amendments victorious at a time when any sentient observer realized that their passage was in doubt. He might have called for a ballot vote, but that could have proved embarrassing. The Breitbart account captures the moment:

And Villaraigosa was lying, in any case--there is no way that the voice vote had passed. Opponents stood up and protested, waving and shouting. The fix was in. The Democratic leadership had to ram a mention of God and a mention of Jerusalem through, violating their own rules, to avoid the fallout within their own ranks.

Today we don’t know whether or not a majority of participants at the Democratic convention actually objected to mentioning God in the party’s platform. The party leadership didn’t want us to know.

Cardinal Dolan’s prayer at Democratic National Convention: full text : News Headlines - Catholic Culture
“With a ‘firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,’ let us close this convention by praying for this land that we so cherish and love,” Cardinal Dolan began at the Democratic convention, continuing:

Let us Pray.

Almighty God, father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, revealed to us so powerfully in your Son, Jesus Christ, we thank you for showering your blessings upon this our beloved nation. Bless all here present, and all across this great land, who work hard for the day when a greater portion of your justice, and a more ample measure of your care for the poor and suffering, may prevail in these United States. Help us to see that a society’s greatness is found above all in the respect it shows for the weakest and neediest among us.

We beseech you, almighty God to shed your grace on this noble experiment in ordered liberty, which began with the confident assertion of inalienable rights bestowed upon us by you: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Thus do we praise you for the gift of life. Grant us the courage to defend it, life, without which no other rights are secure. We ask your benediction on those waiting to be born, that they may be welcomed and protected. Strengthen our sick and our elders waiting to see your holy face at life’s end, that they may be accompanied by true compassion and cherished with the dignity due those who are infirm and fragile.

We praise and thank you for the gift of liberty. May this land of the free never lack those brave enough to defend our basic freedoms. Renew in all our people a profound respect for religious liberty: the first, most cherished freedom bequeathed upon us at our Founding. May our liberty be in harmony with truth; freedom ordered in goodness and justice. Help us live our freedom in faith, hope, and love. Make us ever-grateful for those who, for over two centuries, have given their lives in freedom’s defense; we commend their noble souls to your eternal care, as even now we beg the protection of your mighty arm upon our men and women in uniform.

We praise and thank you for granting us the life and the liberty by which we can pursue happiness. Show us anew that happiness is found only in respecting the laws of nature and of nature’s God. Empower us with your grace so that we might resist the temptation to replace the moral law with idols of our own making, or to remake those institutions you have given us for the nurturing of life and community. May we welcome those who yearn to breathe free and to pursue happiness in this land of freedom, adding their gifts to those whose families have lived here for centuries.

We praise and thank you for the American genius of government of the people, by the people and for the people. Oh God of wisdom, justice, and might, we ask your guidance for those who govern us: President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Congress, the Supreme Court, and all those, including Governor Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan, who seek to serve the common good by seeking public office. Make them all worthy to serve you by serving our country. Help them remember that the only just government is the government that serves its citizens rather than itself. With your grace, may all Americans choose wisely as we consider the future course of public policy.

And finally Lord, we beseech your benediction on all of us who depart from here this evening, and on all those, in every land, who yearn to conduct their lives in freedom and justice. We beg you to remember, as we pledge to remember, those who are not free; those who suffer for freedom’s cause; those who are poor, out of work, needy, sick, or alone; those who are persecuted for their religious convictions, those still ravaged by war.

And most of all, God Almighty, we thank you for the great gift of our beloved country.

For we are indeed “one nation under God,” and “in God we trust.”

So dear God, bless America. You who live and reign forever and ever.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Update on My new Sites...AM

Blog EntryUpdate on My new Sites...AMAug 21, '12 7:32 AM
for everyone
'xanga' & 'yuku' have my vote 50/50 
Both easy to use and great Skins(themes)
The blog sites have lots of widgets to play with unlike 'Anotherblogspot' which is very basic but is being worked on so early days I have a Group on here called 'Old Gits United & Multiply Refugees' and have folk from Multiply are on there . So I will stay on all three and spread my love around .